Tuesday, 24 June 2014


My DeviantArt favourites of today! 

My Little Pony- My thoughts on Alicorn OCs

So everyone that is a brony would most likely or probably have a pony OC. Now I know one of my OCs is an Alicorn because who doesn't wanna have awesome great powers, but Winter Star is an actual ruler of a giant great big star. But what irks me the most is when people have a stupid weird alicorn OC and the claim to be the princess of the moon (duh thats Luna's job) or princess of love or music. I mean ugh, pointless Alicorn princesses. Well anyways, that's my rant so enjoy some pictures...

Monday, 23 June 2014

Wolf Inspirations!

Here are some paintings from Deviantart I found today. I find these extremely beautiful and mind blowing so I guess I may have a crack at drawing them myself. I know it's probably gonna be the same but honestly it's how I draw and learn to. It helps me think of my own  unique designs and thats how I learnt to draw I guess...
This is a BlueJay bird Wolf deisgn by the wonderful Tachtit

And this is also Tatchit from DevientArt. He/she honeslty makes the most beautiful wolf designs I have ever seen! Love the all <3

Why Hello There!

Hey there guys, WELCOME to my blogspot page where I really wanna post somethings outside DS2, Instagram, DeviantArt and Etc. I have probably made 3 other blogspot pages but they went Kapoot! Because I didnt feel they were the right ones. I originally wanted to share a blogspot page once I had a few more followers but now Im like WHY NOT?! So to start off I guess Ill give an introductory...

My name is Annabel, I am 15 years old and my Zodiac is the Aquarius and birthstone amethyst. I love everything inspiring in love such as forest animals, the galaxy and pretty much anything to do with unique and beautiful designs. 

This awesome picture was made by Yvonni Fhang, and I love it so much! She is one of my top inspirations to draw animals and I guess I have Zach D to thank!